Life’s Too Short—

Fill It with Flowers

At Skyline Farms, we mend the soil without to tend the soul within. Flowers provide the perfect opportunity for a sacred pause.

We are currently preparing the land to bring you the best and brightest blooms for Spring 2025.

The ephemeral nature of the present moment is where we find the most satisfaction in our lives, flowers provide a focal point of stillness. Through vibrant cut flower bouquets, ceremonial arrangements, and transformative community workshops, there is an opportunity for a deeper connection to life and joyful living.

Flowers, ancient symbols of beauty and elemental magic, guide us in reconnecting with nature’s botanical wisdom and our own innate humanity.

We honor the old ways, while evolving culturally, valuing community over competition, stewardship over ownership, and sustainability over profit. Our offerings foster deeper mindfulness, sensory enchantment, and a profound appreciation for the joy of being alive, creating peace and joy one heart and one person at a time.

The view

Spend the day delighting in your senses overlooking the city of The Dalles, Oregon and the Columbia River. We are located in the Natural Scenic Area of the breath taking Columbia River Gorge.

The Vibe

We believe flowers are a sacred centerpiece to enhance the magic of your celebration. Our services aim to complete your rites of passage moments.

On the farm there is an opportunity to reclaim our wholeness with the innate beauty of life by engaging in the growing process, arrangements and community.

The Values

With intention we sow, harvest, and curate expereinces to foster deep connection to self and community through nature.

On the farm

Rites Of Passage Blooms

CSA & Markets